The last Supper


Church of Santa Maria della Pieve

Tel. 0172 712962
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The last Supper


In the chapel of Corpus Domini you can admire one of the most touching works by Giovanni Antonio Molineri, L’Ultima Cena, dated 1627. The apostles, seated around the table, are captured in the dynamic moment when Jesus reveals that one of them will betray him, they are portrayed with dismayed expressions in the act of fervidly discussing it with one another. A sleepy Giovanni rests his bent head on Jesus’ chest. In the foreground at the bottom of the painting a cat is licking the leftovers from a plate, lending a touch of intimacy and daily life to the scene. An efficacious use of colour, light and shadow highlights the faces, the musculature of the bodies and curious details such as the plates or the shoes worn by the apostles.

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